"ASSALAMUALAIKUM dan SELAMAT PAGI Tuan-tuan,puan-puan,rakan-rakan sekelian boleh mendapatkan produk istimewa MRT ELKEN di mana-mana cawangan dan stokis ELKEN di seluruh Malaysia dengan menggunakan nombor GLOBAL ID ini 000500071094 atau HUBUNGI: 019-8303690 Terima Kasih."

Friday, January 11, 2013

DX Lingerie - Bentuk badan yang sempurna

Perhatikan bentuk badan masing-masing,adakah bentuk badan kita bulat,segiempat,segitiga bawah,segitiga atas atau seperti jam pasir yang sememangnya bentuk sempurna dan ideal?Jawapannya..
kita hanya perlu menggunakan DX Lingerie Elken dalam masa 3 hingga 6 bulan sahaja pembentukan akan terjadi...Percayalah!

Tempahan Livextra

Sunday, January 6, 2013

MCCM Azimah Binti Bidin/AB Alim bin Idris

A higher position and a higher income - that was her reward for striving for 24 years in a public listed company.But her 3-year fight in Elken produced double the results.Her success in Elken also inspired her children and family members to start their own Elken business.- Senior Corporate Affairs Manager/Offshore Medical Personnel

MCCM Wan Abdillah Bin Wan Ahmad/Sharifah Khadijah Bt Wan Ibrahim

This humble religious teacher has a heart for people,and the only way he knew how to help them was to enable them achieve health through products that he had personally tried.Joining Elken's large family helps him continue in this mission,while enabling him to earn an income.- Tuan Imam/Medical Doctor

MCCM Hj Jamaluddin Hj Ahmad/Hjh Kamariah Hj Mohd Shariff

Sebagai Penerima Anugerah Cemerlang 7 tahun berturut-turut,manakala isteri Penerima Anugerah Cemerlang 3 kali sepanjang bekerjaya,kami sepatutnya berpuas hati dan tidak mungkin memilih kerjaya lain.Namun potensi luar biasa tak terhingga bidang MLM dan ELKEN,terbukti menganugerahkan pendapatan lebih 10 kali ganda dan menewaskan penganugerahan glamor tersebut.- Head of Audit Department/Senior Executive Audit.

Friday, January 4, 2013

SAB MCCM : Seng Kok Meng/Yew Sook Keny

Success doesn't depend on your starting point but on your turning point.On a cold and rainy night in Sabah,I was riding pillion on my colleague's while towing my broken-down motorbike to my home which was 10km away.The wind and rain were bitterly cold,but so were my body and my heart.I had studied for 20 years and     graduated to became a teacher.Did i really have no choice?My heart was deeply troubled.I needed to change!Where there's a will ,there's a way.Since then,we have developed 17 MCCMs and 80 CCMs over the last 16 years.

Bonus SV11 2012

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